Mr. Henricus Maria Carolus van Heeswijk
Telephone 0031-620410080
Address Rietveldplan 14 2728EM Zoetermeer, Holland
DOB April 22, 1956 Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Married Ingrid Christine Faase, Bekken fysiotherapeute, MsC
Children Joyce, Vonne , Paul
2010 Certified European Passif House designer
2010 IC Dubo, member sustainable information center
2010 Pavilion Sustainable BouwRAI founding partner
2009 SlimBouwen member
2008 Dutch Green Building Council participant
2008 BREEAM.NL expert sustainability
1992 Contractor authorized by ministerial order
1987 Technical University Eindhoven
— Degree in civil engeneering
— Architecture and City Planning
— Department Professor Dick Apon
2000 – present An Archi b.v. (An other Architect)
Founder and CEO
Design and build for other architects and clients
1992-1999 Bouwteam General Contractors b.v.
Founder and CEO
Design and build for CEPEZED architects.
1989-1992 CEPEZED b.v.
Architect and project manager
1988-1989 Stichting Studentenhuisvesting Rotterdam SSHR
Project manager housing foundation
1984-1987 Stichting Studentenhuisvesting Eindhoven SSHE
Project manager housing foundation
1978-1985 Technical University Eindhoven, mentor
References available upon request